Mesdames, is it?

Little about me:
 I'm the oldest of the two and a traveller just the rest of my family.
 Must admit, i’m not the classic elegant chic kind of girl, i’m more of a cowboy, casual comfortable one who keeps a skirt for five minutes and changes into casual jeans, the kind of girl never dreamed of being a princess or bride. Have always been fascinated by challenges, travelling and discovering other parts of what the world could offer, have never been satisfy with the idea settling when there was so many things to learn from and do. 

From my own experiences, have seen enough to know that the society has formed standards of what comes to be expected of a normative behaviour , the standards of what femininity is and should come to be like from the mannerism, to the pressure of how a lady ought to look and think like, all being instinctively, statically formed, “ People like us are normal, any other different are not”. 
I say “ you can be elegant without having to look like a chandelier, feel good without tripping every second on your dress, dress well without having to go through intense pain, we French say: “you must suffer to be beautiful “ -“Tu dois souffrir pour etre belle” i say the cultural artificial society make us believe and take on a lot of crap...

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